

Sauntering in Nature

Hiking – “I don’t like either the word or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains – not hike! Do you know the origin of that word ‘saunter?’ It’s a beautiful word. Away back in the Middle Ages…

Collaborators Wanted

Common Roots Rising is preparing the ground, planting seeds and growing a movement. We are imagining new ways of working together, combining skills and networking toward greater cooperation and mutual support. Common Roots Rising is incubating co-creativity, connecting potential and…

Waupaca Arts Winter Craft Cafe

Waupaca Community Arts Board’s Winter Craft Cafe starts Jan. 17 with a peaceful luminary project! Everything you need to make beautiful luminaries is included — even a realistically flickering battery-powered tealight with a timer. Just add your own creativity! Kits…

A Good Local Culture

Common Roots Rising’s vision is founded on “A Good Local Culture”. Good local culture is essential to the fabric of our entire society. We must restore the health of the land and the health and wellbeing of our local commUNITIES…