You Never Know Where Your Art Will Go – The Delight of Making

“When you are a maker of things, when you create things — art or clothes or whatever you make — you never know where they’re going to go. And the fact that these mittens were made with the sewing machine my mother gave me when I was 12 years old and with wool that somebody else had thrown away, and they made it all the way to one of the most historic inaugurations of my lifetime … ” she said, her voice trailing off. “It just delights me”.

Great story and quote from Jen Ellis, Bernie Sander’s mitten maker.

Read the heartwarming story of Bernie Sanders mittens here

Making Art, Making Delight

Making art is at the core of the human spirit. Making and discovering connections through a mutual appreciation of making is the thread that brings us together. We are communities of makers sharing our creativity with the world.

Making art is a gift to ourselves. Making and creating art taps into our relationship with self-expression. We all have art inside us. You may have been told you’re not artistic or creative but you and everyone alive and breathing has art within them. Where is this creativity within you?

Where Does Creativity Come From?

Do you know where your creativity is? Do you sometimes misplace it? Your creativity is found in the heart of lining up with what you love and curiously exploring your world and your relationship within your world of forms, ideas and experiences that you get to play in every day.

When you line up your interests, your inspiration, and the feelings of self-expression that are desiring to come out and make something to share with the world you are making your art.

Sharing your art is a courageous act of self-expression. Celebrate your art and share your gifts with the world.

The world may take a few moments to line up with you. If you are patient and creating art from your heart you will find your people that love and support your art.

Support Our Local Makers

One way you can support more delight and more art is to encourage your friends and your community to make more art and share more art.

Makers appreciate the encouragement to make their art. Makers need us to build relationships with them and their art. A maker community grows when we come together and encourage more creativity, diversity, and unique expression to flow throughout our lives and community.

We can grow our maker culture by taking the time to pay attention, inquiring in conversation, and engaging makers in curiously exploring their making process. We can build co-creative public spaces in our communities to encourage more making and more art. We can buy local art and local maker goods, feeding the local maker economy.

Making Art in Waupaca

Waupaca Community Arts Board creates a myriad of opportunities for making art in Waupaca.

The image on top is from Drawn Together by Kindness. A community art project installation in from of the Waupaca Library in August 2020.

Check out some of the community art-making opportunities they are offering this winter.

Are you a maker? What inspires you to make art? How do you share your art with the world?