
We are co-creating a collective of visionary voices and altruistic leaders; integrating our all-embracing common culture while welcoming and supporting inspired, engaging commUNITY conversation.

We listen generously by practicing presence, inviting conversation, and open collaboration. Through embodying this awareness, we grow our shared story and understanding of our common (inclusive) culture and roots.

Connecting through curiosity, allowing vulnerability and trust, we explore our common dreams so that we may come together to help create a stronger sense of belonging. We ground creative cooperation and collaboration as we build commUNITY.


Growing community from the ground up. We are fostering a regenerative ecology through integrating culture, and sustainability with conversational understanding and respect for the relationship and story interwoven through all life.

We are fostering a new paradigm for relationship, regeneration and renewable community cooperation and collaboration while becoming deeply rooted in embodying grounding virtues of… Hospitality, Curiosity, Listening, Patience, Respect, Cooperation, Unity, Creativity, Kindness, and Love.


Celebrating our roots, we are growing a cooperative and transformative movement. We are imagining and interweaving new stories into Being.

Creating a regenerative and resilient rural culture, we are integrating innovative ideas, growing new conversations and relationships by building connections to raise co-creativity and collaboration helping us and our communities to thrive.

We are Rising Together! Transforming! Uniting CommUNITY!