Common Roots Rising is joining the 2021 Fox-Wolf Watershed clean up event! We are leading a cleanup on the Waupaca River on May 1st at Brainard’s Bridge Park. The park is located at 637 Bailey St. in Waupaca. We are planning fun activities and some educational opportunities to share with our community.
Event Details:
Location: Brainard’s Bridge Park
Date: Saturday, May 1, 2021
Cleanup: 9:00am – 12:00 p.m.
Volunteers report directly to the cleanup site they registered for.
Site leaders hand out t-shirts and supplies and volunteers get to work!
Everyone is welcome to volunteer!
Advance registration is requested to ensure proper supplies are onsite.
Everything is Connected
In nature, everything is connected and inter-related in our world. One small thing can affect everything down river and beyond. It’s important to care about our nature connection.
Aquatic Invasive Species Presentation
Join us for a brief overview of the aquatic invasive species in and around the Waupaca River and explaining how, like trash and other pollutants, invasive species are harmful to our environment both locally and downstream with Anna Cisar.
About our Presenter Anna Cisar
Anna Cisar is the Regional Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Coordinator with Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc (RC&D). As part of the AIS team she provides AIS education and outreach for 11 counties in Central Wisconsin. She also monitors and surveys lakes, streams and wetlands for new and existing populations of AIS, and works with the community to provide education on prevention efforts. Anna has a B.S. in Environmental Science and minor in Chemistry from Carroll Universit
Brainard’s Bridge Park Photo Gallery