Rachel Bouressa Joins National Climate Change Policy Advisory Panel

Rachel Bouressa is going to Washington! Rachel will be representing the state of Wisconsin as a member of the new Climate Change Policy Advisory Panel. Rachel has been a primary collaborator here with Common Roots Rising. Rachel owns Bouressa Family Farm, a grass fed, finished beef farm in rural Waupaca County. Watch for our new podcast with Rachel coming soon.

And to learn more about this new climate advisory panel keep reading the announcement from Farmers Union.

Farmers Union Announces New Climate Change Policy Advisory Panel that includes GrassWorks Board Member – Rachel Bouressa.

WASHINGTON – To strengthen its ongoing efforts to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis, National Farmers Union (NFU) today announced its new Climate Change Policy Advisory Panel (CCPAP). The panel’s 16 family farmer and rancher members will inform the organization’s climate-related legislative work, educational programming, outreach, and communications.

Among other things, the panel will review and provide feedback on agriculture-related climate legislation; assist NFU with its climate communications, advocacy, and outreach; and identify and share climate resources with other farmers and ranchers. Each member will serve a one-year term with the option to renew for subsequent terms.