Inspiring Land Stewardship at Oz Natural Area

Our environmental education efforts at the Oz Natural Area began when our oldest daughter, Hannah, was two and we purchased this property and made it the first site of Waupaca’s River Ridge Trail.

We began by hosting small groups of school kids to come out and explore the scenic woodlands and giant oaks and granite rock formations tied to the area’s glacial past.

Ever since, the project has been a family affair and today happily in partnership with federal, state and nonprofit efforts.

This week that once two-year-old little girl assumes the role of Executive Director of Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council and we couldn’t be more proud as she carries on the next generation of The Wisconsin Idea, as a UW grad who came home to serve her community.

Father and daughter reinstalling the sign this morning after our successful burn this week and hoping to inspire other budding land stewards in our community and region.